International Online Conference
Planetary consciousness is a huge step forward for humanity. Although there are still many people who profess or pretend to ignore it, this step is one of the basic developments of our present civilization. Living on planet Earth we are 'on board' of an interstellar spaceship travelling through the galaxy together with all other stars and their habitable worlds! Many stars in the galaxy are much older than our Sun and the evolution of life in their solar systems may be millions of years ahead of us. Can you imagine a civilization millions of years more advanced than ours?

International Conference
How can we fly to other planets, if Newton’s law of gravitation and Einstein’s field equations are out of touch with the real world? If there were no processes faster than light, the solar system would not be stable and galaxies would not exist at all. Believing in the unsurpassable speed of light, humanity isolates itself from the rest of the Galaxy. The interscalar view of the world could be the new scientific paradigm that will show the complex connection of processes at very different scales in the universe explaining mathematically how subatomic and galactic scales are directly related to life.

International Conference
Peace depends on political decisions and economic circumstances. However, scientists and engineers hold a key position, not only in the development of knowledge and technology, but also regarding the possibility of war. Any discovery can be a contribution to the evolution of humanity or to its self-destruction, but the point is not the research or the discovery. Crucial is the ethics of scientific research and its application. We need to realize the profound meaning of life on Earth. Then can ethical consciousness increase and war will cease to be an option in human relationships.