by Hart­mut Müller


My video dis­clos­es the short­com­ings of the con­ven­tion­al under­stand­ing of grav­i­ty that goes back to Isaak New­ton and Albert Ein­stein and intro­duces a new con­cept of grav­i­ty that could rev­o­lu­tion­ize space explo­ration and lead to a new world­view. Most like­ly, grav­i­ta­tion is not caused by mass­es, but by tran­scen­den­tal numer­i­cal relations.


Basic exam­ples show that Newton’s “law of uni­ver­sal grav­i­ta­tion” does not cor­re­spond with astro­nom­i­cal real­i­ties. Most like­ly, it is sim­ply wrong. Regret­tably, today Newton’s idea about mass as source of grav­i­ty is not any­more count­ed as a hypoth­e­sis, but as a dog­ma, regard­less of its the­o­ret­i­cal absur­di­ty and the lack of empir­i­cal evidence.

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It is well known that in rel­a­tivis­tic physics the taboo for veloc­i­ties greater than 300,000 km/s is only pos­tu­lat­ed, but has nev­er been exper­i­men­tal­ly proven or at least derived the­o­ret­i­cal­ly. How­ev­er, astro­nom­i­cal cal­cu­la­tions evi­dence: If there were no process­es faster than 300,000 km/s, the solar sys­tem would not be sta­ble and galax­ies would not exist at all.


It is a com­mon belief that in 1846, just a few months before Johann Galle dis­cov­ered the plan­et Nep­tune by obser­va­tion, John Couch Adams and Urbain Le Ver­ri­er apply­ing Newton’s law of grav­i­ta­tion could pre­dict the orbit and cor­rect posi­tion of Nep­tune based on motions of Uranus. How­ev­er, this is not exact­ly what they did.

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Galax­ies do not spin as expect­ed by Kepler’s laws. Out­side the cen­tral galac­tic bulge, the orbital veloc­i­ties of the stars are high­er than expect­ed. Accord­ing to the obso­lete notion of mass as the source of grav­i­ty, this obser­va­tion leads to the erro­neous assump­tion that there must be some exot­ic kind of unob­serv­able mat­ter flood­ing the galaxy.

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For a long time, I sus­pect­ed that some­thing is wrong with the Hen­ry Cavendish exper­i­ment and its more recent repli­cas. It is believed that grav­i­ta­tion can­not be screened. Because of this, it should be vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble to iso­late the grav­i­ta­tion­al inter­ac­tion between two mass­es from the pre­sumed per­tur­ba­tive effects cre­at­ed by sur­round­ing masses.


If direct results of gravi­met­ric mea­sure­ments were pub­lished, it would be too obvi­ous that they do not depend on Earth­’s sur­face mass dis­tri­b­u­tions. There­fore, gravi­met­ric data are recal­cu­lat­ed with mod­el cor­rec­tions pro­posed by Pierre Bouguer (1749) that prov­i­dent­ly con­sid­er the alleged effect of sur­face mass dis­tri­b­u­tions. Now the dif­fer­ence between the real­ly mea­sured val­ues of grav­i­ty and the cal­cu­lat­ed for an assumed mass dis­tri­b­u­tion is called a Bouguer-anomaly.

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A so-called black hole is just a mod­el that describes an extreme case of Einstein’s space-time cur­va­ture alleged­ly caused by extreme con­cen­tra­tion of mass­es. As always, the the­o­ry of rel­a­tiv­i­ty pre­dicts only very far-fetched phe­nom­e­na. How­ev­er, it is very unlike­ly that mass caus­es grav­i­ty. Con­se­quent­ly, it is very unlike­ly that such things as black holes exist at all. Nev­er­the­less, media and even sci­en­tists deal with black holes as if they were an undoubt­ed reality.

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Final­ly, in 2016, after 55 years of unavail­ing research, just a few months before the project was threat­ened to be closed, Ein­stein believ­ing physi­cists alleged­ly reg­is­tered a so-called grav­i­ta­tion­al wave. The high­ly spec­u­la­tive and con­tro­ver­sial defor­ma­tion effect of 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 of the length of a tube was inter­pret­ed as the echo of a cos­mic col­li­sion, of which two black holes 1.4 bil­lion light years away were found guilty. And it’s still said that aca­d­e­mics have no sense of humor.

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Like quarks, neu­tri­nos were nev­er detect­ed direct­ly. Actu­al­ly, all the giant neu­tri­no detec­tors around the world do not detect neu­tri­nos at all, but the prod­ucts of reac­tions, which, as the­o­rists believe, can only be ini­ti­at­ed by the unob­serv­able neu­tri­nos. It was in 1930 when Wolf­gang Pauli invent­ed these ghost par­ti­cles to explain how the beta decay of heavy nuclei could sat­is­fy the rel­a­tivis­tic con­ser­va­tion laws. Actu­al­ly, neu­tri­nos were only invent­ed so as not to com­pro­mise the the­o­ry of relativity.

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From time to time, the the­o­ry of rel­a­tiv­i­ty needs some­thing exot­ic for sur­viv­ing. For instance, the the­o­ry has a prob­lem with the alleged accel­er­at­ing expan­sion of the uni­verse. In oth­er words, with­out intro­duc­ing a new form of ener­gy that is some­where hid­den and can­not be observed, gen­er­al rel­a­tiv­i­ty physi­cists are not able to explain how an accel­er­at­ing expan­sion of the uni­verse could be caused. How­ev­er, this does not mean that such a thing as dark ener­gy real­ly exists.

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Grav­i­ta­tion does not depend on mass, and grav­i­ty is not a prop­er­ty of a celes­tial body at all. In physics of numer­i­cal rela­tions, grav­i­ta­tion is caused by tran­scen­den­tal numer­ic attrac­tors. These attrac­tors cause mass accre­tion form­ing the shape of the celes­tial body and deter­mine its orbital and rota­tion­al motions. Numer­ic attrac­tors are omnipresent in space and time. This infor­ma­tion does not need to be trans­mit­ted. That is why grav­i­ta­tion acts instantaneously. 

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No one knows how to trav­el to the stars, or at least com­mu­ni­cate across inter­stel­lar dis­tances. Believ­ing in the unsur­pass­able speed of light and the out­dat­ed radio wave mod­el, human­i­ty iso­lates itself from the rest of the Galaxy. Is there an alter­na­tive or at least some the­o­ret­i­cal approach? Yes, there is one. There is strong evi­dence that ubiq­ui­tous con­nec­tiv­i­ty exists in the uni­verse that is not lim­it­ed by any speed. This con­nec­tiv­i­ty is pure­ly numer­i­cal in ori­gin and opens up avenues of real-time inter­stel­lar communication.

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