We wel­come you to the site for think­ing, curi­ous, coura­geous and hon­est peo­ple! On this page we invite you to par­tic­i­pate in Glob­al Scal­ing Research. How can you do it?

Ana­lyz­ing the mea­sures of estab­lished struc­tures in Nature using Glob­al Scal­ing, you can learn more about the com­plex con­nec­tion of process­es at very dif­fer­ent scales in the universe.

You can ana­lyze fre­quen­cies, wave­lengths, mass­es, veloc­i­ties or any oth­er met­ric char­ac­ter­is­tics of struc­tures and process­es, inde­pen­dent­ly on their nat­ur­al or arti­fi­cial ori­gin. Share your expe­ri­ence with us in Face­book.

Glob­al Scal­ing explains math­e­mat­i­cal­ly how process­es at sub­atom­ic and galac­tic scales are direct­ly relat­ed to life as a cos­mic phe­nom­e­non, lead­ing to an inter­scalar view of the world that could become a new sci­en­tif­ic paradigm.

Inter­scalar Cos­mol­o­gy sug­gests that there is noth­ing arti­fi­cial in the uni­verse. All the tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped by human­i­ty and oth­er civ­i­liza­tions obeys the same Fun­da­men­tal Frac­tal of space-time just like every­thing else in the uni­verse. It may well be that Glob­al Scal­ing is the redis­cov­ery of an ancient advanced knowledge.

Glob­al Scal­ing Analy­sis – how does it work? We give you a brief descrip­tion of the step by step pro­ce­dure, free down­load.

In nat­ur­al sci­ences, the analy­sis of the mea­sure­ments is only the first part of research. The most com­plex part is the inter­pre­ta­tion of the results.

How to inter­pret cor­rect­ly the result of a Glob­al Scal­ing Analysis?

Hart­mut Müller’s book gives you the basic ideas. How­ev­er, you can learn more, if you share your research with the Inter­scalar group in Face­book.

Before start­ing your research, please read Hart­mut Müller’s book ‘Glob­al Scal­ing – the fun­da­men­tals of inter­scalar cos­mol­o­gy’, free down­load.

This book is designed as a quick and easy intro­duc­tion to Inter­scalar Cos­mol­o­gy that is based on the dis­cov­ery of a uni­ver­sal law of prob­a­bly every­thing – Glob­al Scaling.

The dis­cov­ery of Glob­al Scal­ing is the result of an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research that has inspired the author for more than 35 years.

The four pages Com­pendi­um of Hart­mut Müller’s book you can free down­load here.

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